Safer Schools App

We use the Safer Schools England App to provide children, families and staff with up to date information on safeguarding including online safety in our ever changing digital world. The app enables us to share age appropriate news and updates with our children in an interactive way. Parents and carers can access up to date online safety information, including how to install parental controls in devices. All users can report any safeguarding concerns which link straight to the designated safeguarding team email.


The Safer Schools App provides all the information you need to help keep your children safe online:

Safer Schools have produced a video to show you how to get the very most out of the app:

Click her for instructions of how to sign up for the Safe Schools App:

Sign up to the Safer Schools App

Seymour Primary School are part of TKAT (The Kemnal Academies Trust). You can find out more about TKAT by visiting and you can follow them on Twitter @TKATAcademies.